Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gracie's Preschool Graduation

May brought the end of the school year for Douglas and Gracie. Douglas finished his first year of nursing school and Gracie graduated from Pre-K. We got to attend her graduation and listen to her perform all the sweet songs that she had practiced so hard. She did a great job and she has learned SO much this year. She is reading and writing so well and she's very excited for kindergarten!

Gracie's class singing a rhyming alphabet song

Getting her Diploma from Mrs. Smith

Mrs. Smith gave her these glasses and said "Your future is bright!"

Gracie and Grandma Patsy, the aid for her class.

Cute friends - Stormi, Savannah and Gracie

Awww, Gracie and Marley do love each other.

Gracie's class picture

1 comment:

The Bunker Family said...

Cute pictures - what an awesome day!