Friday, February 19, 2010

Douglas turns 32 -part 2

Douglas had his birthday off of school because it was Martin Luther King Day. So we celebrated all day and enjoyed leaving normal life on the back burner. Gracie was very excited to celebrate and she made invitations, party hats, cards and pictures for her Papi. Marley and Gracie both loved helping Douglas open presents and they were very excited about all the balloons. Birthday's are just magical when you're a kid! Douglas was like a kid using his birthday money and gift certificates to order all sorts of paintball gear and clothes. He was so giddy!
After our relaxing day we had dinner with our friends, the Skidmore's, the Lescarbeau's and Stratton's. Our friend Amy and Douglas have the exact same birthday and so it was fun to celebrate together. We had yummy fajita's, quacamole, cowboy caviar and some amazing brazilian limeade. Then we sang to Amy and Douglas and had cake, hazelnut brownies and blue bell ice cream. You just can't beat that! It was a great day and we loved spoiling our amazing Papi and husband. He's the best!
Gracie made us birthday hats.(They kind of look like Pope hats:)
She's very thoughtful.

The kids and I had fun decorating the house!

Gracie loves her Papi!

Marley loves his Papi too!

Balloons are such a great toy!

He looks upset, but don't let him fool you. I think he just didn't wan't his picture taken.
He's really excited about the hazelnut brownies and ice cream.

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