Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Fun

Yesterday, Gracie and I made sugar cookies together. She was such a great helper! They turned out yummy. Last night we had the Trunk or treat at the ward. We got to see all our friends in their costumes. We all dressed up and had so much fun. Gracie didn't like the scary parts like the skeletons, but she and Marley loved the giant vampire tigger. We didn't realize there would be a costume contest, but we ended up winning first prize! How exciting! Douglas was a Samurai, I was a Geisha, Gracie was princess Ariel and Marley was a ninja. I just love Halloween and getting all dressed up! Today, we had Joy School at our house. We had a halloween party and decorated cookies, made witches, sang songs and had a costume parade.


Celeste said...

Looks like you guys had a great Halloween. Congrats on the award - you guys looked awesome in your costumes!
I'm so happy that you're doing Joyschool - it's so fun!

Always, Hannah said...

Nice Ninja PJ's Doug. Do you have Bruce Lee Underoos to go along with it?